November 2006

Words' Worth is on the move

Dear customers

The bad news: Words' Worth will be leaving Schellingstrasse 21.

The good news: Words' Worth will continue to operate at Schellingstrasse 3.

When we took over former Anglia English Bookshop premises in Schellingstrasse 3 we had the hope to be able to shoulder the not insignificant burden of two Munich rents with an enlarged academic department at the new location and our traditional stock at Schellingstrasse 21.

Alas, these are not prosperous times and so we are forced to leave Schellingstrasse 21 after 21 years. We do this with heavy hearts as after all these years we have grown quite fond of the shop in the romantic backyard with all its nooks and crannies. The alternative of giving up the location in Schellingstrasse 3 does not present itself. The shop in Schellingstrasse 3 is just more accessible and furthermore the English and American Department of the University is located in that building.

Because of this at the end of November we will move our whole stock to Schellingstrasse 3 where in the future you will be able to find the full range of literature, non-fiction books, DVDs, gift items etc. Our telephone numbers (280 9141 and 283 642) will remain the same, as will our fax number (280 0815) and email address ( wordsworth@t-online.de ).

We will continue in our endeavour to offer a comprehensive and varied range of stock in an agreeable atmosphere and hope to see you at our new location soon.

With best wishes for the upcoming festive season and the new year

Your Words' Worth team